With more than 75 years of heritage, Rxphamarcy is one of Australia’s most trusted and recognizable national pharmacy brands. Rxphamarcy continues to lead the way as a health destination for service and advice in our communities. Ready to partner with a brand that is truly focused on leading the future of pharmacy and committed to improving patient outcomes.



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A destination for expert advice and superior service.

Rxphamarcy leads the way with the most comprehensive health service offerings.

A growing range of services redefines pharmacy care.

Making health advice and support available, affordable, and accessible.

As a Rxphamarcy owner, we will strive to help you focus on achieving:

Sustained prescription growth to position yourself as the trusted prescriptions expert in your community.

Health Services income growth by delivering leading health services programs to help meet your customers’ needs.

Profitability growth through utilizing Rxphamarcy Performance Dashboards and a dedicated professional Support Team.